The North Star Executive Coaching Company
Unlocking your potential

Executive Coaching Services
"If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then
learn how to do it later!"
Richard Branson

Clients of The North Star
Executive Coaching Company
Straight from the Source

Business Owner
I highly recommend Nicola as an Executive Coach, specifically because she is personable and very skilled at unpicking issues and moving you forward in an empowering way.
I am a well being professional for over 20 years and believe I'm well placed to give my endorsement of being in safe and ethical hands.
Nicola brings her many years of life experience to the table and over the years that I have spoken with her I always end up feeling empowered and motivated in a trusted environment.

Nicola helped me to re-write my Personal Statement and CV. She has a deep knowledge of
presentation and content and made them stand out from the crowd. She works in a highly
interactive way ensuring great communication throughout the process. I have no hesitation in
recommending Nicola as a personal expert, truly creative and brimming with excellent ideas.
Nicola you’re the best in the business!

Senior Executive
Nicola coached me at a particularly challenging time in my life - helping me see the wood for the trees and gaining clarity on what was important to me. Working with Nicola I was able to make some fundamental decisions regarding my future that I do not believe I would have been able to make without her help. I am now in a much better place and would not hesitate to engage Nicola again.

If you are feeling flat in your work life and not sure why, then Nicola is a great first step. This was exactly how I felt over the last year, exaggerated by Covid-19 and the issues that came with lockdown. After just one session I felt enlightened, and I trusted Nicola implicitly to support me with making some important decisions. Together we have developed realistic goals for my professional life. Nicola’s wealth of knowledge from working in the Corporate Sector for many years has been invaluable. I am feeling less anxious about my future and I have gained some great skills to help me monitor my own progress after my sessions are completed.

Nicola was an absolutely brilliant coach to me at a crucial juncture in my career a few years ago. During a particularly challenging time, when my confidence was low, she was instrumental in helping me understand how to articulate clearly my strengths, weaknesses and background, both in interviews and in writing. Her empathetic but professional approach very quickly made me feel at ease, and gave me the confidence and sense of purpose I needed to take my career in an exciting new direction. Nicola is by far the best executive coach I’ve come across and I would highly recommend her to anyone.

University of Bedfordshire
Senior Staff member
Nicola has brought her skill set to Enactus Bedfordshire directly but beyond that she has brought tremendous warmth and humour that really motivated our students to believe in themselves and
maximise their performance at the regional and national finals.
Our students are not the most advantaged when competing against the UK's elite Universities but with her ability to connect with them she was instrumental in their success.
Are you ready to start unlocking your potential?
Get in touch now to start unlocking yours.